Dec 25, 2018
Issue tracker is rewritten thoroughly. With new issue tracker, it is doable to add, disable and remove issue tracker for specific products dynamically without the need to change source code. It is also extensible by writing your own issue tracker service class to work with specific issue tracker instance.
This version has database migrations. Run:
django-admin --settings=tcms.settings.produce migrate
Change Log
Write docs for issue tracker and related code (Chenxiong Qi)
Massive clean old bug system related code (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove source files of old bug trackers (Chenxiong Qi)
Use python-bugzilla instead of the Python xmlrpc API - #151 (Chenxiong Qi)
Get issuetracker credential (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove old bug system option from settings (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove unused extensions from docs config (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix unicode string in test_testcaserun.py for py2.7 (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix issuetracker migration and old model name in raw SQL (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove model TestCaseBug and TestCaseBugSystem (Chenxiong Qi)
Use issuetracker permissions instead (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove unused code to calculate issues for test cases (Chenxiong Qi)
Cleanup link external tracker method (Chenxiong Qi)
Sort coverage report by cover rate (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix flake8 errors (Chenxiong Qi)
Add missing requirement enum34 for py2.7 (Chenxiong Qi)
Old errata app uses new issue tracker app (Chenxiong Qi)
Issues could be added and removed from top menu in run page (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix return value doc of XMLRPC function get_issues (Chenxiong Qi)
App testruns now uses new app issuetracker (Chenxiong Qi)
Add missing issuetracker migration (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix flake8 errors in issuetracker (Chenxiong Qi)
XMLRPC now uses new issue tracker (Chenxiong Qi)
Refactor form for adding an issue (Chenxiong Qi)
Move assertValidationError to HelperAssertion (Chenxiong Qi)
Issue management from webpage works with new issue tracker (Chenxiong Qi)
Rewrite issue tracker (Chenxiong Qi)
Refresh requirements after upgrading django-tinymce (Chenxiong Qi)
Upgrade django-tinymce to 2.7.0 - #335 (Chenxiong Qi)
Pass on_delete to ForeignKey explicitly (Chenxiong Qi)
Use settings.MIDDLEWARE (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove deprecated calls to user.is_authenticated() (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove deprecation warnings for test assertion methods (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix flake8 errors and ignore W504 (Chenxiong Qi)
Update README for use of vagrant machine (Chenxiong Qi)
Massiv rewrite ansible playbook for devenv (Chenxiong Qi)
Add dep graphviz-devel to Vagrantfile (Chenxiong Qi)
Update frozen requirements (Chenxiong Qi)
Add django-extensions for generating db diagram (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove Piwik - #323 (Chenxiong Qi)
Update set_dev_env.rst (northlomax)
Remove memoized decorator (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix a filter call while collecting recipients - #316 (Chenxiong Qi)
Add missing test in 93ee243 (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix some calls to function map - #313 (Chenxiong Qi)
Refactor object change log structure and the display - #11 (Chenxiong Qi)
Drop django-preserialize - #311 (Chenxiong Qi)
Generate coverage HTML report as well (Chenxiong Qi)
Ignore directory .env and .pytest_cache (Chenxiong Qi)
Make flake8 not check .env (Chenxiong Qi)
Reduce duplicate code of importing test cases - #280 (Chenxiong Qi)
Rename some TestPlan signals’ handler names (Chenxiong Qi)
Create email settings for new TestPlan - #181 (atodorov)
Add test for #181, fails only on MySQL (atodorov)
Name Nitrate (Chenxiong Qi)
Do not allow adding duplicate components to a case - #281 (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix “Update versions failed” when create a plan from am empty db - #287 (Chenxiong Qi)
Add missing migration for using custom NitrateBooleanField (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix: Tree view shows spinner and never loads (#290) (Chenxiong Qi)
Redefine Json bad request and server error response (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove unused class AjaxResponseMixin (Chenxiong Qi)
Replace custom HttpJSONResponse with JsonResponse - #282 (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove some unnessesary single raise statements - #288 (Chenxiong Qi)
Rewrite UrlMixin (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix wrong method calls in report data module (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix wrong six.moves.imap in custom report (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix MANIFEST.in to include missing files (Chenxiong Qi)
Add readthedocs doc badge (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix docs build in readthedocs (Chenxiong Qi)
Specify to use Python 3 for readthedocs (Chenxiong Qi)
Change settings to test for building docs (Chenxiong Qi)
Run testenv docs in Travis CI (Chenxiong Qi)
Add readthedocs config file (Chenxiong Qi)
Create virtualenv in Python 3 in Vagrant dev machine (Chenxiong Qi)
Add testenv docs to test building documentation (Chenxiong Qi)
Restructure list of dependencies (Chenxiong Qi)
Rewrite XMLRPC API in order to publish - #275 (Chenxiong Qi)
Publish XMLRPC API documentation - #276 (Chenxiong Qi)
Replace old kobo user_passes_test with django permission_required (Chenxiong Qi)
Install sphinx theme sphinx_rtd_theme explicitly (Chenxiong Qi)
Show correct project name Nitrate in documentation (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove ChangeLog from docs (Chenxiong Qi)
Do not use numbered items in docs (Chenxiong Qi)
Add release notes for 4.1 (Chenxiong Qi)
Update docs (Chenxiong Qi)
Update MOTD_LOGIN setting (Mr. Senko)
Skip 100% covered files in coverage report (Chenxiong Qi)
Use custom BooleanField for TestBuild.is_active (Chenxiong Qi)