Setup development environment with Vagrant

Vagrantfile.example is provided in contrib directory. To setup the development environment, copy it to project root directory and name it Vagrant, then run command:

vagrant up --provider virtualbox

After vagrant succeeds to run the virtual machine, you will get a complete environment to develop Nitrate,

  • a Python virtual environment created at $HOME/nitrate-env/ with all necessary dependencies installed.

  • a superuser is created by default with username admin and password admin. It is free for you to modify user’s properties from Django admin WebUI.

  • source code is mounted at /code.

  • database is created in MariaDB and name is nitrate. It’s empty. Before hacking and running development server, remember to synchronize database from models from /code.

    ./ migrate
  • port forwarding. 8000 is mapped to 8087 in host.

  • Run development server from /code

    ./ runserver

visit with your favorite web browser.

Happy hacking.