Feb 6, 2020
This is a maintenance release with bug fixes, lots of code refactor and many tests added.
Nitrate works with Django 2.2 since this version.
Get and install
From PyPI:
pip install nitrate-tcms
From image registry:
docker pull quay.io/nitrate/nitrate:4.5
Refer to Deployment for details of installation.
Database Migration
Run Django migrate
command to apply database migrations.
Change Log
Fix wrong parameter passed to backend while typing tag name - #516 (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix get error message when default tester does not exist - #515 (Chenxiong Qi)
Show cases correctly in page /plan/id/chooseruns/ if SelectAll is checked - #506 (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix default_tester in both defer and select_related - #512 (Chenxiong Qi)
Avoid to add existing email address to user - #430 (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove future-breakpoint from devtools (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove Errata integration - #378 (Chenxiong Qi)
Use PermissionRequiredMixin - #408 (Chenxiong Qi)
List runs in the desc order of id in clone page (Chenxiong Qi)
Add tests to app linkreference (Chenxiong Qi)
Reuse django-contrib-comments APIs - #456 (Chenxiong Qi)
Add more tests to several apps (Chenxiong Qi)
Cleanup tcms/core/utils/ (Chenxiong Qi)
Add tests for comments/views.py (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove unused code (Chenxiong Qi)
Add tests to XMLRPC env APIs (Chenxiong Qi)
Add tests to XMLRPC product APIs (Chenxiong Qi)
Add tests to testcases XMLRPC API (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix template tag (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix failure coverage upload to coveralls (Chenxiong Qi)
Add tests to testcases app (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix load more tests (Chenxiong Qi)
Blank select option should have an empty value (Chenxiong Qi)
Fix tests for case clone (Chenxiong Qi)
Reformat code lines in XMLRPC API examples - #460 (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove another two trailing line breakers (Chenxiong Qi)
Reduce the size of testbox (Chenxiong Qi)
Massive improvements to the tests run in Travis-CI (Chenxiong Qi)
Pull image on-demand in Travis-CI (Chenxiong Qi)
Upgrade django-debug-toolbar vesion and add psycopg2 in requirements (Chenxiong Qi)
Do not limit version of django-debug-toolbar (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove trailing line breakers (Chenxiong Qi)
Remove clean_assignee from XMLRPCNewCaseRunForm (Chenxiong Qi)
Refactor clone cases (Chenxiong Qi)
Update requirements (Chenxiong Qi)
Bump django from 2.2.4 to 2.2.8 (dependabot[bot])
Fix grammar in README (Mfon Eti-mfon)
Shorten imports list from tests.factories (Chenxiong Qi)
Clean more code accessing HTTPStatus (Chenxiong Qi)
Add missing imports (Chenxiong Qi)
Import http status code from correct module (Chenxiong Qi)
Allow specifying release version for up-release-container target (Chenxiong Qi)
Prebuild testenv images (Chenxiong Qi)
Upgrade django-contrib-comments to 1.9.1 (Chenxiong Qi)
Make it much clear for travis-ci testenv matrix comments (Chenxiong Qi)
Add Django 2.2 to tox testenv (Chenxiong Qi)
Use latest version of pytest (Chenxiong Qi)
Update document for running from a released image (Chenxiong Qi)
Set version properly in released image (Chenxiong Qi)